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Q: How do we spread the news  of an unlimited fuel supply with no greenhouse gas emissions?

A: YOU! The founder of Noblefuse believes that in order for this system to be accepted in society it will take many people to be informed about it.

At some point in time when the total number of people  reaches a synergistic level this idea will finally have been accepted as a viable form of alternative energy, . In doing so, it will be scrutinized far greater to actually verify it's fantastic significance.  Let this supporter list also serve as a petition by free citizens to begin a clean FUSION PROCESS.


The idealized structure of the company Noblefuse:

Noblefuse will be a non profit company with one mission- With the implementation of a clean fusion power plant there shall be a modern hospital facility to the standards of an Albert Einstein medical hospital and a ST. Jude children hospital built in every city of every nation

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April 29- 2009 update- this page was made fall 2006- all my information was always given freely upon the net for other scientists to uncover and repeat- an attempt upon the internet of recent invention to connect millions of humans for an opportunity to come together and solve problems- it is obvious in my opinion the lack of trust and help between one another is still lacking and thus so many problems persist in society- no wonder global wars persist and hundreds of ailments are still unknown- most people in rich industrial world seek pleasure and fun at expense of a starving world and ridicule and belittle those that have solutions - maybe after global nuclear war will people anywhere on earth understand how to be their brothers keeper- time will tell


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