How do we spread the news of an
unlimited fuel supply with no
greenhouse gas emissions?
A: YOU! The founder of
Noblefuse believes that in order for
this system to be accepted in
society it will take many people to
be informed about it.
At some
point in time when the total number
of people reaches a
synergistic level this idea will
finally have been accepted as a
viable form of alternative energy,
. In
doing so, it will be scrutinized far
greater to actually verify it's
fantastic significance. Let
this supporter list also serve as a
petition by free citizens to
begin a clean FUSION PROCESS.
The idealized
structure of the company Noblefuse:
Noblefuse will be a non profit
company with one mission- With
the implementation of a clean fusion
power plant there shall be a
modern hospital facility to the
standards of an Albert Einstein
medical hospital and a ST. Jude
children hospital built in every
city of every nation